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Antonio Machado (1875 - 1939)

Was a Spanish poet and one of the leading figures of the Spanish literary movement known as the Generation of '98. Machado was born in Seville. His earliest published prose dates from 1893, while his first verses were published in 1901. In 1902 he traveled to Paris, where he met Rubén Darío, with whom he forged a solid friendship; back in Madrid, his circle included such figures as Miguel de Unamuno and Ramón del Valle-Inclán. During the 1920s and 1930s, he wrote a series of plays in conjunction with his brother Manuel. He was elected to serve as a member of the Spanish Royal Academy in 1927. At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War he was still in Madrid; in the course of the conflict he relocated to Valencia, Barcelona, and the French town of Colliure, where he would ultimately die in exile.

als het goed is te leven, beter is te dromen en, het beste van al, te ontwaken
de enigen die altijd overal van terugkeren zijn zij, die nooit ergens zijn heengegaan
help me te begrijpen wat ik jullie zeg, dan zal ik het jullie beter kunnen uitleggen
herinneringen en iets onthouden zijn twee verschillende dingen
iedere dwaas haalt waarde en prijs door elkaar
iedere idioot verwisselt waarde en prijs
zonder zonden zijn voegt niets toe aan de deugd